Online mafia script

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a professional troupe looking for the next hot eager volunteer sourcing a fundraiser.a restaurant wanting a dinner theatre experience.resort hosting an extra-special event planner planning a corporate event.We give you the everything you need and you embellish the event as much, or as little, as you like. Proven crowd-pleasers, our interactive scripts have been extensively battle-tested, and fine tuned. Our murder mystery scripts give you an easy, unforgettable event of laughter and outrageous fun. History of the Mystery / Detective Story.Consultations: How to Write or Plot a Mystery Novel, Story, or Script.How to Solve the Mystery: T H E C L U E S & Evidence.Where Did It Happen: T H E C R I M E S C E N E.Why, How & When: M O T I V E, M E T H O D & O P P O R T U N I T Y.Who is Involved: T H E C H A R A C T E R S.The Book: Clue Trail F R O M W H O D U N N I T T O S O L U T I O N.

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