Over the holidays, Steam saw the release of VRoid Studio, a program that lets you create 3D models of humanoid. 3d Model Commission, Vtuber Model, Vroid, Vtuber Model Free, 3D, 3d Model (64) $ 77. Can I register characters that fall into the R-15 and R-18 categories? OBS Avatar Maker is the #1 Avatar Software for OBS, show your 3D virtual avatar to your friends via video or meeting, and make a 3D avatar for OBS more fun. You can also overlay and combine more templates for the perfect silhouette. This is a playable avatar of Joel from TLoU2 circa 2020, for use with JustAlter's VRoid Mod v2. CLCT Part 10 - Releasing 'CLCT for SWEETS', an avatar collection of apparel items & topics!. Vroid avatar template free This list differs for each category.